Aurich Lawson (c) 2013 in Megan Geuss, Reader reactions: Excel in the limelight, Ars Technica, 20 April 2013

My CREATe Project: Mapping the legal offer for digital content: Desperately Seeking a Database Geek

Aurich Lawson (c) 2013 in Megan Geuss, Reader reactions: Excel in the limelight, Ars Technica, 20 April 2013


Here’s the link to  the presentation on Slideshare of the research project I am conducting for CREATe under the supervision of Professor Lilian Edwards at the University of Strathclyde


Picture: Aurich Lawson (c) 2013 in Megan Geuss, Reader reactions: Excel in the limelight, Ars Technica, 20 April 2013